So I know that a lot of people put up pictures of their nursery and cute little things here and there, and I would totally love to be one of those people. Unfortunately I don't know if I will... We have 12 days to go... at least until the due date, 1-1 1/2 cm dilated and 70% effaced. Quite frankly I am feeling completely unprepared! we have the crib up with the bumper and the sheets and even a stuffed animal in there for a more decorative look. We have our baby swing set up, (I did that yesterday morning at about 4 am because I couldn't sleep and decided that I should do something productive) and we have our pack'n'play up (another of my early morning activities). And let me tell you... this pack'n'play is awesome! it even comes with a bassinet and a changing table! Needless to say that is what Baby Girl Ostler will be sleeping in for her first few weeks because she will be in our room. We have clothes all hung up in the closet, we have her stroller and car seat all ready to go. (just need to put the base in). We have our bags packed as much as they can be for now. We have even talked about getting a plastic sheet for our bed just in case my water were to break in the middle of the night.
However, there are things just nagging and nagging at me. I'm worried that we will bring her home and she will need something and we won't have it. I am worried that she will have to do without because we won't be able to provide something that she will need. I'm terrified that as her mother I won't be able to produce enough milk for her. (I'm her mother! Shouldn't it be natural that my body can do what it needs to for her?) I'm worried that there are going to be complications with the birth or maybe with her, we have been so fortunate that everything has gone pretty smoothly, surely something is bound to go wrong! I'm worried that our apartment won't be completely done by when she comes. Speaking of which, we have a washer and dryer that we are trying to get rid of so if anyone is interested please let me know!......... Anyway, I'm worried that we won't have enough clothes for her, I'm worried that, as silly as this may sound to most of you, that we won't have any bows for her hair so people will think she is a boy. and I am worried that what if the Ultrasound tech missing something and what if she is a HE?! What will we do then?!?!?!?!?! I'm worried that when people ask if they can do anything for me and I can't think of anything, that I am really missing something and I really really need their help, I am just completely clueless! and I'm worried that she may come a little earlier than expected and that my mom won't be able to be here.
I'm sorry to dump everything out on here but these have been some real concerns and I am just looking for some words of comfort. Any advice?
Thanks for listening!
New Orleans
6 years ago
Okay... just a few things you may want to have...
ReplyDelete1. A Hospital Bag: Include the following...
A cute outfit for your little sweetie pie when you bring her home. Make sure it's warm... not super warm because it probably won't be freezing cold outside. Bring a cute bow or something. You'll want her to look super-cute for her homecoming!
A cute outfit for you! Now, include the personals, because you'll want nice, clean clothes. Also, it's unfortunate that all the baby-weight gained in pregnancy doesn't just disappear after you've had your baby, so don't bring your "skinny clothes", just bring what you feel comfortable, and cute, in.
You'll want your hygiene stuff. Shampoo, conditioner, hair stuff, deodorant, facial cleanser, makeup, etc, etc. I wouldn't go overboard and bring your whole bathroom, but bring stuff you'll NEED.
Hmmm, I'm trying to remember if there is really anything else... oh, use EVERYTHING (and keep everything) the hospital gives you... trust me! They don't have a problem billing you for it, whether you return it to them or not. So, take all the diapers you can! Eat all the food you want. It sounds silly, but get your money's worth.
Okay, so now that I've written a novel, I think I better stop. Call me or email me if you have any questions.
Love ya,
PS I would also keep your apartment as clean as possible because the LAST thing you'll want to do when you get home from the hospital is to clean the house.
Oh! PSS Baby mattresses are soooooooooo hard and uncomfortable. We always put nice, thick, soft blankets down before we put Mercydez in her crib. It makes a huge difference. Also, check out They have these amazing little beds and THEY WORK. They're a little expensive, but SO WORTH THE COST!!! Trust me!
Okay, enough blabbing. Hope you're doing well!
You guys will do just fine! I don't think that any first-time parent (or second or third for that matter!) is completely prepared for actually bringing the baby home. I completely agree with everything that Ashley said. Here are my bits of advice for you:
ReplyDeleteWhen the nurses offer to keep your baby in the nursery at night so you can get some sleep, take them up on that! They will bring her in to you to nurse, so don't worry about her not getting enough to eat. It may be the most sleep you will get for a while, so take advantage of it.
If you're planning on nursing, bring your breast pump to the hospital with you. It usually will help your milk come in faster. (If you don't have one yet, I have a manual one that has barely been used if you want it. It's completely been sterilized and everything.)
When you get home, sleep when the baby sleeps!
If people offer to do anything for you, take them up on it! Even if it's just holding the baby so you can shower and get ready. You could suggest they make meals, do some chores around the house, run a quick errand for you, or any other thing you feel comfortable letting someone else do for you.
Make sure you take the camera! I've heard of too many people forgetting the camera, and all they end up with are pictures from their phone of the birth.
Don't stress too much about not having everything you need. You can always send Travis to Wal-mart or Target to grab something.
Enjoy every minute! They don't stay small for long!
Something I did during my pregnancy (and continued after Maland was born)was write letters to my baby. It was a lot like a journal because I was telling him how excited I was to meet him and my feelings about everything. I'd like to keep this up as he grows and then, when he is an adult, give them to him. It was a good way for me to write down things so I could remember them later and also feel like I was doing something special for my baby.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a mommy yet but I have some "advice" - but only because you asked. :)
ReplyDeleteWe'll chat when we get back. But I have to say, some of your worries are cute (in a loving sense).
Hannah, you'll be an amazing mommy. You really will.
Well, worrying about complications seems reasonable. That's always a concern.
ReplyDeleteI don't think the baby will know if your apartment isn't ready yet!
I'll make you some cute girly headbands for her, so she'll look like a girl. If she turns out to be a he, I'll make him a nice blue jacket. :)
I'm sure your body will do fine. If it doesn't, it's nothing to be ashamed of. I know a girl whose hips are too small to even have babies! Without a C-section she and the baby would have died. So not producing enough milk is small potatoes. Besides, you will probably have TOO MUCH milk! ;)
Just go with the flow. Something probably won't go the way you like somewhere along the line... Just think of your wedding. The lack of the nice cake cutting knives turned into fun and novel pictures! You gotta have some good stories about the adventure of giving birth!
If you ever need something that you didn't remember you needed when someone asked, let me know! I'd love to help you out however I can! Love you! You'll be a great mommy!
ReplyDeletePriesthood blessing!!!
ReplyDeleteI know you'll be a great momma!
Everything always comes together, so don't sweat the small stuff, or even the big stuff!
If she doesn't take to breastfeeding right away, keep trying, they eventually get the hang of it...
I worried like crazy with Josef, and just because you're a starting to dilate and efface doesn't mean she's coming. The first time you can start effacing and dilating 3-4 weeks before you deliver, so you're mom will be there and everything will go well. As for being prepared, HA! You're more prepared then me and this is my second. I have 2 weeks and 6 days, we bought the carseat, a week ago, Don't have any baby furniture put together except the basinet, we don't even have a crib yet. Our house is pretty messy and there are about 8 projects that need to get done before he comes, not to mention I'm trying to finish and get a little ahead with work. When it comes to being prepared, just won't be but if you need something there are plenty of people to get it and plenty of stores that sell it.
ReplyDeleteAs for when you actually have the baby, not many people will tell you this but you actually want to have 2 bags packed. One that you will take with you for labor and delivery, which will include, camera, book, cd player, snacks for the hubby, and anything else you will need/want for just labor.
Once you have the baby you get moved to recovery and it will be easier not to have the other stuff. In the other bag have your hygiene, they provide most of it for you, but you still may prefer your own, clothes and everything you need afterward. This bag Wes can go get whenever needed.
As for sleep and sending the baby to nursery, let me tell if you don't want to then don't. Just because she's in the nursery doesn't mean you'll sleep. Just do what feels right, I'm having this one at a Maternity Center and I'll be coming home 6 hours after delivery so I won't have a nursery option. And with Josef I only sent him to the nursery for 3 hours and didn't sleep well because I wanted him close.
As for having enough milk, well you either will or you won't, there's really nothing you can do about it. Most woman get more then plenty just as long as you stick to it. Breastfeeding can be challenging it took Josef and I almost a week to do it fairly well and we had to use a nipple shield for the first 5 months to get him to latch on.
Anyways I could go on and on and on, okay I already have gone on and on, but I could continue with so much more. Bottom line, don't worry, things always have a way of working out the way the need to.