Saturday, October 3, 2009

A little slip.

Okay so I know everyone expects these wonderful new moms to just be all bright and cheerful about being a mom... well that may work for some, but I slip now and then, and right now is one of those slips. I just need to get this off my chest...

I know that being a mom requires some sacrifices, sacrifices that I am more than willing to make, but there comes a time when I reach my breaking point.

Since when does being a mother mean that you completely lose touch with humanity to the point you feel that you are the only one that is making sure that this child survives, and you are alone ALL the time and the thought of going to I don't know, say, running errands is just a daunting thought because it is too much work to get EVERYTHING together and cart it around. And even when you go places specifically to not be alone, it seems like everyone has dropped off the face of the planet and you are still alone, leaving you to fall further into depression?

Anyway, I'm done. Thanks for listening


  1. I love you! You are so far away!


  2. so know what you mean...we should be alone together sometime

  3. So sad!!! You are never alone. I live down the street, call me and I will come and play!!

  4. Heather and I are always only a phone call away! Seriously. We're more than happy to help you in any way we can.

  5. I know how you feel. That's exactly how I was with elisabeth. Not many people know how bad I was with her and how horrible I felt all the time. It gets better...I promise...but don't feel afraid to reach out and to learn about post partum depression. Having a baby is a HUGE change in your life and it takes time to get used to it. For you to take care of your little one you have to take care of yourself. Always rely on Heavenly Father...he is always there, and will always listen.
    If you ever need to talk, let me know...
    *huge hugs*
