Okay so my last post was kind of depressing, I apologize for that. It's just sometimes we have really bad days.
Well today, I don't even know why, but I am in a good mood!
I'm really excited about that! Not only am I in a good mood but let me tell you, things are starting to really look up!
I have been working from home during these last 6 weeks, and it has been good, but sometimes the work load is very little which leads me to stress about not pulling in as much money for my family. But, today I was actually given a few projects that will keep me busy for a while! I know that may sound kind of odd, the thought of more work, but it really helps calm my nerves!
I was able to talk to my Mom today and it looks like she and my
Stepdad are able to come up for Sadie's blessing and not have to high tail it right back home!!! There is no school for Thom so that is a blessing considering that they didn't know if they would be able to come up at all.
Also, when talking to my Mom I found out that my
Stepdad was called back from his school district and offered a contract!!! (He has just been subbing for the last few months) so
Another reason why today is a good day: last night I had a dream that I forgot Sadie's blessing dress and we were already in Sacrament Meeting and all we had her in was a
Onesie... so I went and got it from my Dad's house so we are good so....
And last but not least... I have been slowly getting Sadie used to her crib so we can have her sleep in there overnight. and she is adjusting REALLY well!!! She doesn't even need to be asleep when I put her in there. Sometimes she just needs her pacifier, sometimes she needs some music, and sometimes she will just cry for a few seconds but then she puts herself to sleep!!!!!!! so
Its a GOOD DAY!!